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WACO Convention

March 2007

You Can Lose A Lot of Money Not Attending.

Bud Styer knows that time change. That is why he has attended the WACO ANNUAL CONVENTION for over 20 years. "I depend on this Convention to give me new knowledge and insight and to share what I know with other Campground Owners," says Bud. "People might decide not to go because they are caught up in their business or vacation and I think I can't take off! But the knowledge you pick up here, you can't get anyplace else. There is so much to learn! For anybody in the business, it is a plus to be at the WACO Convention."

Take the time...Take in the Experience...
take a trip to Stevens Point!

WACO Convention and Trade Show, March 14-18, 2007
Holiday Inn Convetion Center, Stevens Point Wisconsin